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Wikiquote discusión:Wiki Loves Women/SheSaid/Ella dice

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De Wikiquote, la colección libre de citas y frases célebres.
Último comentario: hace 3 meses por Alexcampillosola12 en el tema Instagram alexcampillosola12

Results !

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Launched in October 2020, the #SheSaid campaign on Wikiquote has been an amazing success! Across 7 languages, by the 5th January, it resulted overall in 867 new or improved articles (the majority new). Italian Wikiquote was the clear language winner (405 articles) with Ukraine (187) and French (106) coming not so close behind. And let's not forget the great work done on the Spanish, English, Serbian etc. wikiquotes. Congrats to us all ! All results on the #SheSaid meta page.

Please consider the campaign is on-going (there is still much work to do...) :) Please keep contributing quotes from women !

Anthere (discusión) 12:36 19 ene 2021 (UTC)Responder

Invitation to participate in the #SheSaid Campaign 2021

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We are delighted to share with you that the #SheSaid Campaign will be running again this year and you are invited to participate in Oct/Nov 2021.The goal is to celebrate notable women and add more entries on Wikiquote. Please have a look at some of the cool bookmarks we have completed and ready for you to print if you wish to do so. If you would like to have the editable version of the bookmark please contact Candy, visit some sample of bookmarks here Bookmarks.For more information, please visit the campaign page here:SheSaid page If you have any questions or query please feel free to contact Anthere, Islahaddow or Shoodho).

Kind regards, Shoodho

Gracias.--Jalu (discusión) 21:03 20 nov 2021 (UTC)Responder

Results 2021 !

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Hello friends !

The SheSaid drive is over ! All results may be found here.

For 2021, nine different language communities contributed – Italian, Ukrainian, English, Tagalog, Igbo, Spanish, French, Central Bikol, and Catalan. In addition to the global drive, 12 members of Wiki Loves Women’s Focus Group held local training and participation drives with their communities.

Across the 9 language Wikiquotes a collective of 1,514 articles were created. This ensures that 1,514 notable women whose voices and wisdom had previously not been featured, can now be easily accessed. Articles for a further 309 women were improved. In addition, 638 articles featuring notable women were created on Kinyarwanda Wikipedia (Wikipediya mu Kinyarwanda) by the activities of the Wiki Loves Women Focus Group member in Rwanda in collaboration with Wikimedia Rwanda Usergroup.

The Italian language community through the enthusiasm of the Wiki Donne user group was again the most outstanding contributor to the SheSaid Campaign. This community created articles about 609 women and improved a further 227 articles. The next prolific contender, the Tagalog language community (currently in incubator status) created 308 new articles. The third highest contributing language community was to the English Ukrainian language Wikiquote by creating 169 articles and improving a further 55 articles.

Below are the stats impact for the SheSaid Campaign across 9 different languages that participated in 2021;

The lack of women’s voices in the digital domain is a global issue, one that we can collective work on in order to change how women are viewed. Wiki Loves Women is awed by the response and enthusiasm to the second edition of this drive, and looks forward to the third version in 2022! We urge that anyone can join this initiative and continue to make an impact by adding more articles about women !

Anthere (discusión) 10:09 28 ene 2022 (UTC)Responder

SheSaid 2022

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Hello !

Sorry for writing in English !

The #SheSaid campaign will return in October 2022. To better organize this edition, we would like to know whether you plan participating to it or not :)

There is still time. But in case you need funding, please be aware that the application for a small grant to the Wikimedia Foundation needs to be done before the 1st September 2022!

We plan to organise an office hour dedicated to the @SheSaid campaign in July.

If you are interested (even if not sure to join #SheSaid because it will depend on a thousand of things), please check out that page on meta and drop your name on the talk page so that we make sure to inform you ! m:Wiki Loves Women/SheSaid

Thanks !

Anthere (discusión) 19:49 13 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder

Lista de artículos a crear

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Instagram alexcampillosola12

[editar código] Alexcampillosola12 (discusión) 23:09 10 oct 2024 (UTC)Responder